Proactive Pain Management Solutions

Finding Relief When Traditional Treatments Fall Short

Living with persistent pain can be an incredibly frustrating and isolating experience, especially when traditional treatments seem to have little or no effect. You may have tried physical therapy, over-the-counter pain relievers, prescription medications, and various alternative therapies, only to find that your pain persists. The thought of surgery might be daunting, leaving you wondering if there is another way to alleviate your suffering.

We understand your pain and are committed to helping you explore alternative solutions that could bring the relief you’ve been searching for.

The Challenges of Unresolved Pain

When pain becomes a constant companion, it can have a profound impact on your life. You may be facing challenges such as:

  • Difficulty performing daily tasks or participating in activities you once enjoyed
  • A decline in your overall quality of life and well-being
  • Emotional distress, including feelings of frustration, anxiety, and depression
  • Strained personal and professional relationships due to the ongoing struggle with pain
  • Loss of hope and a sense of resignation to a life with chronic pain

Exploring Alternative Solutions

There is hope for those who have not found relief through conventional treatments. Our team of dedicated healthcare professionals is committed to:

  • Thoroughly evaluating your medical history, symptoms, and previous treatments
  • Identifying the root cause of your pain and any contributing factors
  • Exploring innovative, evidence-based treatment options and therapies
  • Developing a personalized, comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your unique needs
  • Collaborating with you to make informed decisions about your care

By taking a holistic approach to pain management and considering all aspects of your health and well-being, we strive to find effective solutions that address the underlying causes of your pain.

Regaining Control of Your Life

You don’t have to resign yourself to a life of chronic pain. Our team is here to support and guide you as you explore alternative pain relief options. We understand that each person’s experience with pain is unique, and we are dedicated to helping you find the most effective solutions for your individual needs.

Comprehensive Pain Management: Innovative Therapies for Lasting Relief

Discover the future of pain relief; where our cutting-edge approach to comprehensive pain management incorporates the latest advancements in regenerative medicine. Our innovative therapies, including peptides, exosomes, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), Prolotherapy, cupping, and myofascial release, are designed to address the root cause of your pain and promote natural healing.

Our experienced team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with personalized care, utilizing these breakthrough treatments to alleviate pain, restore function, and improve your overall well-being. Embark on a journey towards lasting relief and rediscover the freedom of a life free from chronic pain at Body Stress Solutions.


Proactive Pain Management, Now That’s Practical.

Mary sits in her living room binge-watching her favorite Netflix show and the fire alarm goes off. It’s obnoxiously loud and annoying. She goes over to the alarm and turns it off.

A few minutes later it goes off again. She’s determined to stop all this racquet for good, so she goes to the alarm and pulls out the battery.

Ahhh relief.

She resumes her show and then two episodes later…

…there’s smoke in the room! The curtains are on fire!

Turns out the whole time there was a fire in the kitchen that’s now spread to the rest of the house.

Just like taking the batteries out of a fire alarm, you cut the pain signal and problem solved, right?

Maybe. But maybe not.

What does it mean to have pain managed proactively?

Some would suggest pain management means using anti-inflammatories, medication therapy (i.e opioid drugs and muscle relaxants, etc.), nerve blocks, steroid injections, nerve ablations, surgeries, analgesic injections, etc. to inhibit your pain.

Okay, that’s practical pain management, but is it proactive?

While these therapies may do well at stopping or decreasing pain, at least temporarily, some are addictive, some invasive, and some possibly unnecessary.

But most of these therapies focus on only one piece of the puzzle… shutting down the pain.

None of these treatments focus on healing from pain and these treatments are not comprehensive in their nature.

Removing the fire alarm from the house is not a solution.

Prolotherapy is Practical.

No Drugs. Non-Surgical. Minimal Down Time.

You hear the words BONE-ON-BONE or joint replacement or (and I hear this all the time!) come back when it gets bad enough and we’ll talk about surgery.

In the meantime, you’re given pain medication to stop the body from letting you know you’re in trouble.

Sometimes physical therapy helps, but the pain always comes back, and the doctor just confirmed that you and your joints are a mess. There is simply no hope for a brighter future.

Or is there???

Your pain is NOT covered up.

Your injury and source of pain are healing. With support, assistance, and guidance, you yourself have the power to change the course of your pain cycle!

There is another way.

Did you know massage, acupuncture, and prolotherapy have all been proven to reduce pain and increase function in people in pain from common conditions like osteoarthritis?

Or how about that by introducing targeted nutritional supplementation and diet modifications, you can enhance your body’s ability to heal and fight off unproductive inflammation?

Get out of pain as quickly as possible.

While offering the least invasive, most practical and natural solutions available, we can capitalize on the mechanisms your body already has in place for self healing and regeneration.

A proactive solution for long term healing.

Our Prolotherapy program is a natural, safe and effective treatment for chronic pain and arthritis that does not involve surgery or drugs and has minimal down time.

The technique itself uses the body’s natural healing ability to relieve chronic pain, strengthen injured tissues, and restore function.

The power and effectiveness of the technique is then enhanced with targeted nutrition and exercise protocols you follow at home, supporting treatments like massage therapy and PEMF frequency therapy, and re-evaluations within specified time frames to assess your progress and make sure you are getting results.

How can I learn more?

Don’t wait for your pain to increase beyond what you can bear, schedule your FREE Discovery Call today! (603) 236-7693

Help us learn more about the pain you’re struggling with.

You’ll receive thoughtful feedback and information about your individual situation. We will listen and provide suggestions to help you take the next step.