Food Allergy Testing

Uncovering Hidden Food Allergies – Discover Your Path to Better Health

Empower Yourself with Accurate Food Allergy Testing and Take Control of Your Well-being.

The Challenge of Hidden Food Allergies

Many food allergies are hard to detect, as symptoms can be delayed, subtle, or easily mistaken for other health issues. Some common symptoms of hidden food allergies include:

  • Digestive problems: bloating, gas, cramps, diarrhea, or constipation
  • Skin issues: rashes, eczema, hives, or acne
  • Respiratory problems: sneezing, coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath
  • Fatigue, brain fog, or difficulty concentrating
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Joint pain or inflammation

These seemingly unrelated symptoms can make it difficult to pinpoint the underlying cause. That’s where our comprehensive food allergy testing comes in.


Uncovering Difficult-to-Identify Food Allergies with IgG Testing

If you’ve been experiencing unexplained symptoms like bloating, headaches, fatigue, or skin issues, it’s possible that you may have a food allergy or sensitivity that’s been difficult to identify. Traditional food allergy testing methods often only detect immediate reactions, leaving many patients with unresolved symptoms that impact their daily life.

We understand the difficulties you’ve faced trying to get help and find relief from your unexplained symptoms. The frustration of going from doctor to doctor, trying treatment after treatment, and still not finding answers can be overwhelming and demoralizing. You may feel like you’re not being taken seriously, or that your symptoms are being dismissed as insignificant.

Understanding IgG Food Allergies

Unlike immediate IgE food allergies, which cause rapid and severe reactions, IgG food allergies cause delayed reactions that can take hours or even days to manifest. These reactions can be tricky to identify, as symptoms may not be immediately obvious and may appear in a wide range of body systems.

With IgG food allergy testing, we can identify specific food allergens that your immune system is reacting to, even if you’re not aware of any symptoms. By understanding which foods trigger your immune system response, we can help you create a personalized diet plan that avoids these allergens, reducing inflammation and promoting overall health.

The Benefits of IgG Food Allergy Testing

IgG food allergy testing provides numerous benefits, including:

  • Identification of food allergens that may be causing chronic symptoms like headaches, fatigue, and digestive issues
  • The ability to identify food allergies that may be difficult to diagnose through traditional testing methods
  • Personalized diet plans tailored to your specific needs and avoiding foods that trigger your immune response
  • Relief from chronic inflammation and improved overall health

IgG Food Allergy Testing

We offer cutting-edge food allergy testing to help you identify your hidden allergies.

For people with food allergies, food sensitivities, or gut disorders, finding sensible menu options can be especially challenging. Good nutrition is vital to good health and good information about nutrition is not always easy to find.  Symptoms vary and are not exclusively gut related. Symptoms of a delayed food allergy can take up to 72 hours to appear. 

“I tested positive for IgG antibodies to dairy and after only 30 days of removing these foods from my diet I had lost 10lbs and I was no longer using my daily inhaler for adult asthma!”  – Nashua, NH

Is it a food intolerance or an allergy?

A food intolerance occurs when the body does not produce adequate enzymes (or perhaps does not produce any of the needed enzymes) to digest a particular food.

The word “allergy” is confusing because many people use it as a generic term. Food reactions can result from the different types of allergies.

Food allergies are divided into two major categories: immediate and delayed.

When immediate food reaction occurs, symptoms are obvious within hours. The food to which you are allergic will almost always provoke an immune reaction when ingested. In immediate reactions the body over produces what is called Immunoglobulin E antibodies, (IgE).

A food sensitivity (not an allergy) happens gradually and isn’t life threatening.

So if it’s a delayed allergy then it’s called a sensitivity?

Yep! you got it. A food sensitivity (on the other hand) is an immune-mediated response to some foods. Food sensitivities are not life threatening and can be resolved by removing the culprit foods from the diet. Food sensitivities may change and are impacted by cross-reacting environmental allergens, certain medications, and cross-reactivity within food groups. This type of immune response is mediated by the IgG antibody.

What is the cause of my food sensitivities?

Most common causes of food sensitivities are stress, infections, overeating, artificial preservatives, additives, molds, pesticides, antibiotics, and environmental pollutants. All of these factors can lead to inflammation in the gut and food allergies/sensitivities often follow.

I used to be able to eat anything I wanted, now I feel like a picky eater!

You adapted really really well, until you didn’t. Unidentified food sensitivities can contribute to chronic health conditions: including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, autism, ADD/ADHD, eczema, chronic ear infections, gut malabsorption, insomnia and many others.

Many times the foods we eat frequently and seem healthy are contributing to our health problems.

Test, Don’t Guess.

Don’t Let Hidden Food Allergies Hold You Back

You deserve to live a life free from the discomfort and frustration of hidden food allergies. Take the first step towards better health by scheduling your food allergy test today. Empower yourself with knowledge and start your journey towards a happier, healthier you.

We test 184 foods on our comprehensive panel. Individualized panels are also available. Call to talk to a doctor or nurse about your food allergies today.

Elimination of the offending foods can improve many health problems and lead to a better quality of life.