In simple terms, a tumor, including cancerous tumors, is a response by the body to a lack of energy and healing resources in a particular area. The body creates the tumor as a way to bring more blood and energy to that area so that the cells can repair and regenerate themselves. Just like during pregnancy, when a woman’s body creates a placenta to provide nutrients and oxygen to the growing fetus, the body creates a tumor to bring energy and life to an area that is in need.

Think of it this way: cells need energy, just like a battery needs a charge, in order to function properly and heal. If the cells in a certain area of the body aren’t getting enough energy due to infections, scarring, or other factors, the body will create a tumor, similar to a placenta, to bring more energy to that area and help the cells heal.

It’s important to understand that this process is a natural response by the body, and that a tumor, including cancerous tumors, is not necessarily a “bad” thing. However, it is important to address the underlying cause of the lack of energy and work with a healthcare professional to support the body’s healing process and find a healthy, long-term solution.